UCSI Traditional & Complimentary Medicine (T&CM)


PORT DICKSON 21st Nov 2023 – UCSI Traditional & Complimentary Medicine (T&CM)

As we are moving into a new era of Medical wonders of today, we bring in a topic of one treatment under the T & CM specialties, the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), on how it is now complementing Conventional Cancer Treatments (CCT) and supports cancer patients.

“While this is not a standalone cancer treatment, TCM plays a significant role in improving patients' well-being and addressing symptoms and side effects. Herbal therapy, acupuncture, and moxibustion can alleviate symptoms such as pain, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. TCM also minimizes side effects caused by CCT, enhancing overall quality of life for patients. Integrating TCM with standard cancer care offers an individualized approach, focusing on the patient's unique needs. It is essential to consult with qualified TCM practitioners before incorporating TCM therapies into the cancer care”, quoted by Associate Prof Dr.Teo Chiah Shean.

Herbal therapy is one of the Traditional and Complementary Medicine (T&CM) services currently provided in Malaysia national healthcare system and now it is also available at

National development of T&CM in Malaysia is supported by the National Policy of T&CM which endorses T&CM to coexist with modern medicine and contribute towards enhancing our nation health. The aims of herbal therapy at T&CM Units are to reduce cancer symptoms and complications, minimize side effects resulting from conventional cancer treatment and improve patients’ quality of life.

It is currently available at UCSI Hospital Springhill Port Dickson, Institut Kanser Negara (Putrajaya), Hospital Kepala Batas (Pulau Pinang), Hospital Sultan Ismail (Johor) and Hospital Wanita dan Kanak-Kanak Sabah (Sabah). Herbal formulas in herbal concentrated granular form are used in T&CM Units. These herbal medicines are registered under National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA) and governed by legislative acts. As such, herbal medicinal side effects and adverse events are closely monitored by T&CM Units. Further active collaboration between T&CM Units, MOH, Universities and industry partners are needed to promote herbal medicinal research and development towards healthcare goals.

References/Contributed by ( UCSI University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. M.D. M.Integr Med L.Ac).


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