Unveiling the Intricacies of Influenza: Insights and Symptoms


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Influenza  (the flu) is a common viral illness caused by  influenza A or influenza B virus that is often mild to moderate in symptoms and severity.  

The virus infects the nose, throat and sometimes the lungs causing people to develop  symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Sweats
  • Sore throat
  • Cough
  • Muscle pain 
  • Feeling of tiredness/Weakness
  • Headache 
  • Runny nose

For most people, the infection and symptoms will resolve after one week rest and symptomatic treatment such as pain relief. For some the infection can be serious or even life threatening. 

In Malaysia  influenza can affect up to 15% of the population every year and there are typically one or two infective peaks every year in our country.  This is why prevention and protection from the influenza virus is important. 

How does Influenza spread?

The virus that causes influenza is spread in two ways. The most common mode of spreading through tiny droplets of saliva or body fluids from an infected person who coughs, sneezes or talks. You can, without knowing, inhale these droplets and the virus is transferred to you. 

The second method of transmission can be from touching surfaces eg door handles or light switches that have the virus on them and then you touch your face or rub your eyes transferring the virus. 

Who is at risk of severe illness?

Serious illness from the flu can happen and there are some particular groups of our population who are more at risk, for example:

  • Young children (under 1 year)
  • The elderly (over 65) 
  • People who are immunocompromised 
  • People with chronic disease
  • Pregnant women

Diagnosing Influenza

Influenza diagnosis requires a clinical assessment, blood tests, a swab of nose or throat to confirm the influenza virus is present and for some a chest xray may be required. 


As influenza is caused by a virus it is important to know that antibiotics will not help treat the viral infection. 

Treatment of viral infections requires symptomatic care with medication for fever and pain. For some people antiviral medication maybe required. 

Prevention and Vaccination

The best way to prevent yourself from catching the flu is through preventative measures. Wear a face mask when in crowded areas, wash your hands regularly and avoid touching your face or rubbing your eyes. 

Vaccination is also important measure to help prevent catching the influenza virus. The vaccination recommended to be given annually and is particularly  important  for those at higher risk of serious illness or people travelling overseas. 

UCSI hopsital offers highly skilled clinicians and a full range of laboratory and radiological services to accurately diagnose and commence treatment of the flu. 

Contact UCSI Hospital PD at +606-648 8888 (Main)/ +606-648 8999(Emergency) for more details, and speak to our medical care professionals today



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