Matters of the Ladies: Knowing Hysteroscopy?

A hysteroscopy is a procedure used to examine the inside of the womb (uterus). It is done using a narrow telescope called hysteroscope. Images are sent to a monitor so your gynaecologist can visualise the inside of your womb

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When is Hysteroscopy needed?

According to UCSI Hospital’s Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Dr Sharad, it is usually used to investigate symptoms or problems such as unusual vaginal bleeding, heavy periods, postmenopausal bleeding, pelvic pain, or difficulty getting pregnant.

It can also be used to diagnose conditions such as fibroids and polyps (non-cancerous growth in the womb).

It can be used to treat conditions such as removing fibroids, polyps, displaced intrauterine devices (a contraceptive device).

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How Hysteroscopy is done?

It is usually done as an outpatient procedure or day-case basis. This means you do not have to stay in hospital overnight

Local anaesthetic is sometimes used for the procedure where a medication is used to numb your cervix. General anaesthetic may be used if you're having treatment during the procedure or you would prefer to be asleep while it's carried out. The whole procedure can take up to 30 minutes in total, although it may only last 5 to 10 minutes if it’s just to diagnose a condition or investigate symptoms

After the Procedure

Most women feel able to return to their normal activities the following day. You may wish to have a few days off to rest if general anaesthetic was used.

While you’re recovering, you can eat and drink as normal. You may experience cramps that’s similar to period pain and some vaginal spotting or bleeding. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about unless it’s heavy.

Your gynaecologist will discuss the findings of the procedure before you go home. You may be given an appointment by the nurse upon discharge.

If a biopsy (tissue sample) is taken during the procedure, the result may take 2-3 weeks to process. Your gynaecologist will discuss the result in your next appointment.

Is Hysteroscopy dangerous?

Generally, it is a safe procedure. Just like any procedure, there is a small risk of complications. The risk is marginally higher for those undergoing treatment during a hysteroscopy.

The risks include bleeding, infection of the womb, accidental damage to the cervix, accidental damage to the womb (uncommon),

How does Hysteroscopy help a person’s life?

Hysteroscopy remains one of the effective tools used in diagnosing and treating multiple gynaecological conditions ranging from benign polyps to womb cancer.
